Directed by Mark Gerstein and Scott Weiner, Northbrook Action Baseball is a developed and quality t-ball and baseball program for anyone in pre-school through 2nd grade who wants a chance to become a star. In this pre-little league league experience, children learn the basic fundamentals of the game, like hitting, catching, throwing, running bases, etc. They meet new friends and have tons of fun in an organized, low-key atmosphere. Players really look forward to attending all of the games and practices.
The league is split up into six divisions:
Registration is held, online, on a first-come, first-served basis. Everyone who succeeds in getting their registration in early, during the “REQUEST” sign-up period, will be assigned to a team and be guaranteed of playing in every inning of every game. If a parent or coach wants to form their own team, they can gather all of their players’ names and submit the list to Please make sure players indicate on the registration form that they would like to be on that specific team. No more than 13 players will be allowed on any team.